Ko Taupiri toku maunga.
Ko waikato toku awa.
No Rarotonga ahua.
Ko papakura central toku kura.
Ko kauri toku whanau.
Ko Kodez toku matua.
Ko Monique toku whaea.
Kia ora everyone! Todays task was to explore and research about vector art and how to make it. Vector art is an animated piece of art. Whi...
Peyton I really enjoyed reading your Pepeha. A Pepeha is such a fantastic piece of writing. It took me back to a time when we did a Pepeha in class and many students didn't know where they came from. I wonder if you could extend this Pepeha to include your christian name too? My other thought is about public and private information - since this is a summer learning journey full of activities you need to complete the assignment and also be cybersafe. I learnt a lot about your family through your Pepeha. Thank you.