Saturday, 21 December 2019

SLJ Fashion forward

I'm Peyton.
Welcome back to...
"Peyton's SLJ!"
today I'm going to be answering if I think twenty-seven names is a good name.
I don't enjoy their name.
So I thought they could be called the people next door.
Here is their web site.
Penny skirt
Thank you.
By Peyton.K

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Peyton,

    It is lovely meeting you! I am so excited that you are joining us for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-2020. Have you done this programme before?

    This is my first year joining the Summer Learning Journey, and I am so excited that I get to read over the Manaiakalani blogs.

    I’m really looking forward to summer, aren't you? In my spare time I like spending time at the beach and hanging out with my friends. I also enjoy going for walks and I absolutely love cooking and baking. What are you looking forward to doing this summer?

    I loved reading your opinion on the clothing brands name. I like that you thought of a new name as well - what made you think of 'People Next Door'? It's a very groovy name. Would you start your own fashion brand if you could? I'd love to know!

    Nga mihi


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Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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SLJ day 6

  Kia ora everyone! Todays task was to explore and research about vector art and how to make it. Vector art is an animated piece of art. Whi...