Saturday, 5 January 2019

SLJ carbon sinks don't stink

Hi and welcome back today I'm going to do SLJ so today's activity is called carbon sins don't stink so how this works is I need to imagine that  I got a carbon sink and then list  the food I would put in it.
So here is my food potato,tomato,food scraps,left over dinner or lunch and custard.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Peyton,

    Well done completing another SLJ activity. Thanks for sharing with us the list of foods you would choose to throw away in your carbon sink. You've listed potato, tomato, left over lunch and dinner food scraps and custard. Are these some of the foods you really don't like to eat? If I had a carbon sink, I would also throw away all of my left over food scraps, octopus and fruit cake. However, I have to disagree with you. I love custard too much to throw it away into the carbon sink. Nice work, and some interesting choices you've shared with us.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog entries.




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SLJ day 6

  Kia ora everyone! Todays task was to explore and research about vector art and how to make it. Vector art is an animated piece of art. Whi...