Friday, 31 May 2019
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Me and Sofia's comic collage
We are learning to make a comic collage for our blog.
Monday, 27 May 2019
My writing about Rarotonga
(The first day)
Finally we’re here after the four hour flight.
“That was the worst trip of my lift it felt like we were gonna crash”I said.
(It really did)
“I’m so tired what's the time”Ava said.
“2:45 PM what that can’t be right ”
We ran to the back of the truck and jumped up.
“Haaa this is the best”Dally said.
(the second day)
“Peyton wake up we’re going to the markets”
Mum said.
While i pick out an outfit my dog sock comes in and trips me over.
“Go away”I say to sock.
And now we’re of.
I got a couple of things.
(Example Smoothie,snow cone and sausage)
Then we went to church.
(i played the whole time)
After that we went to the palace.i got a cheeseburger and fries with viora.
(The third day)
Today is church day.
But first we had to check in to club raro.
“This is beautiful”i said.
“I know right and can you believe that Rarotongan will be nicer” Mum said.
“What yay”
Then we had to get to church early for the band practice.
Again i played the whole time.
This time for dinner we had my-joes.
(chinese food)
Now bedtime.
(the fourth day)
Straight away we went to the islander hotel for the buffet breakfast.
After we went to my nan and grandads workshop.
(safe worx the only one in raro)
And I finally had a job which was being the casher.”hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
After that we went to kingdom kids party.
(the sunday school party)
We had so much fun we had dinner we had games we had treats we had lots of things.
“Time to go home” Mum said ”noo”.
(The fifth day)
Yay my whole family is here.
(Aunty moniquea uncle jay aunty jackie uncle pete Aunty maia Mason jack jazz atawhai tatiana)
Today is also the day we check in for rarotongan.
We went to say hi and then we checked in.
“OMGGG!!!!!!!!!”i said.
“This is incredible”
“I dibs this bed” ava said.
“And I dibs this bed”i said.
We went to the palace again and get the same.
(The sixth day)
“Hurry we need to get to the ashes!”Mum shouts.
We rushed out with everything except the ashes.
“Mum we forgot the ashes”i say.
“Ok let’s turn around.”mum says in a sad voice.
Finally we’re at the ashes and no ones there.
“Where is everybody???”dad says.
Eventually they got here.
After that aunty tals and uncle jay sung a song called Taya then we had a barbeque.
(the seventh day)
Today we can relax.
Except the fact that we have to go ava’s baptism.
But that’s in the afternoon so we have the whole morning to RELAX.
So quickly we went to the pool and then went to get ice cream.
After that we rushed to the baptism.
Then we went to have a barbeque again.
Finally we went home and watched guardians of the galaxy it was so cool.
Then we went to bed.
(the eighth day)
Today we’re going to the beach.
“yayyayyayyayyayyay!!!!!”I scream.
I’m so excited but first we had to go to the markets where my whole family is.
Again i got a bit of stuff but this time i only got one thing,I got a milkshake.
Then we went home and had…
I know to you it sounds dumb but for my family we love it because it’s always in movies and my family(the kids in my family)are quite crazy.
(The ninth day)
“Dad can we go to the beach today?”I shout.
(he said yes)
Today i thought i would have a little swim before i can’t have any more.
So i had a swim and then i kept getting sea salt water in my eyes so i asked mum if I could go into the pool.
When i was in the pool i jumped off the coconut tree and the waterfall.
Then we had some food at my nan and grandads house.
And finally we went to the night market.
(the tenth day)
Today is also another church day but it’s different because it’s mother's day and there was a photo booth where my aunty was the photographer.
After the service we had food the food was AMAZING!!!
I got sushi, a donut, a pancake and a bun.
“Mmm that was good”i said.
Now it was time to head home but first we got ice cream at wigmores and i got cookies and cream it was good.
(the eleventh day)
Today we are going home and saying goodbye to the family.
“I don’t want to go home”i moan.
“Too bad you don’t get a choice”mum says.
“HAHA”ava laughs.
So we went to the shop again and we found two tiny cute kittens that were about three inches big they were so cute.
After we had annies and then we went home
Aunty braided my hair then i had a nap after my nap we left and said goodbye to the whole family it was so sad to say goodbye to aunty.
(the twelfth day)
When we got home we went to nana kahu’s house and nana helen picked us.
Later on in the morning we went to mcdonalds for breakfast.
I got a bagel and a hashbrown with a hot chocolate.
After we went home and slept.
By peyton.
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SLJ day 6
Kia ora everyone! Todays task was to explore and research about vector art and how to make it. Vector art is an animated piece of art. Whi...
Hi!!! I'm Peyton. Welcome back to... "Peyton's SLJ!" today I'm going to be writing a inspirational quot...
Kia ora everyone! Todays task was to explore and research about vector art and how to make it. Vector art is an animated piece of art. Whi...